
Monday 11 February 2019

Pick UP and Drop Off Routines at JVPS

Dear Johnsview Village Families,

This letter is a reminder to all parents who drive their children to school to please ensure that our drop-off and pick-up rules and routines remain in effect all year long, including the days when we have inclement weather and all through the winter months. In our combined efforts to keep all of our children safe, I am asking that all parents continue to follow our drop-off and pick-up procedures at our school.  These procedures are as follows:

Street Parking:
·       Please park in legal street parking spaces only  
·       Please do not park on the north side of Porterfield
·       Please obey all street signs:  No U turns on Porterfield
·       Please do not leave your car running and unattended
·       Please do not park in spots reserved for residents of the Johnsview Village Co-op

Bus Zone
·      Cars are not allowed to be stopped or parked in the bus zone
·      Cars are not allowed to pass the school bus when the school bus lights are flashing

Cross Walk
·      Please do not stop/park in the middle of the crosswalk in front of the school to drop off/pickup  your children.  This is our only entranceway into the school and it must be accessible for all students at all times.
·      All parents must stop at the stop sign on Porterfield in front of the school before proceeding into the intersection

Staff Parking Lot
·      Parents are not allowed to use the staff parking lot to drop- off or pick-up children
·      Parents cannot turn their vehicles around in the staff parking lot

In order to help parents arrive at school on time, cut down on traffic and ensure student safety we suggest the following:

·      Walk to school with your child whenever possible
·      Organize the car ahead of time so children can exit from the passenger side with their belongings
·      If someone other than yourself is driving the car, inform them ahead of time of our procedures
·      Please drive slowly and obey the speed limit signs
·      Drop off starts at 8:45 a.m. and supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. Arriving at 8:45 a.m. will alleviate the congestion of looking for a parking space
·      As soon as you drop off your child, move on so that your parking spot becomes available for the next parent.

We thank our parents who are regularly following the rules, however we are reminding ALL parents/drivers again to comply with these rules to keep our students safe at all times.