
Wednesday 30 November 2016

Holiday Baskets

Please continue to send in items for the Holiday Basket Raffle which will be held at our Winter Concert.

We would like to have all items for the baskets in to classrooms by Friday, December 2 to enable our School Council to prepare the baskets so they are ready for  the Winter Concert.

The Winter Concert will take place on December 15, 2016.

We will be pre-selling pizza on School Cash On-Line for the evening of the Concert.   Please stay tuned for further  details. 

Tuesday 29 November 2016

School Council December 1

This is a reminder to join us for School Council in the Learning Commons at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday December 1, 2016

Image result for image for school council

Monday 28 November 2016

Novovirus Fact Sheet

Survey Reminder for Safe Routes to School


Dear Families,

JVPS would like your feedback!  We are exploring the idea of implementing an “Active and Safe Routes to School” initiative which includes promoting active and sustainable school travel including:  walking, cycling, carpooling, taking the school bus (if eligible) and parking/walking a block for trips to/from school.  We would like your feedback regarding these program initiatives at the school.   The family survey and your participation in the survey is a key component in moving forward.  

It is very important for us to hear your feedback in order to understand any safety-related concerns along routes to school, move forward with next steps and to gain insight on any concerns you may have. 

We encourage all families to complete the survey which can be accessed online by visiting the following link:

The deadline is soon approaching and any feedback is welcome.  We invite you to  visit  the link above and complete the survey by November 30, 2016.

Thank you for your continued participation,

Mrs. J. Goldberg,

Sunday 27 November 2016

Lunch Time Program Sampler

Green Acres is offering our school a one time only free lunch time sampler of their lego robotics program.  The course will be offered for students in grades 3 to 6 on December 6th (during the lunch hour) for a one time only free trial.  If the course proves popular this could be a paid lunch time program we could offer in the new year.

Thursday 24 November 2016

Parent- Teacher Interviews

Please use the chart above to help locate the classroom for your interviews tonight and tomorrow morning.

Friday November 25 PA Day

Please remember that Friday November 25, 2016 is a PA Day.

We will be holding parent teacher interviews in the morning.

There will be no school for children this Friday.

QSP Fundraiser Reminder

Winter Camp at Johnsview

The Boys and Girls Club Before and After School is considering providing a Winter Break to Johnsview students grades JK-6 to help give your children a place where they can expend some energy and creativity during the winter break.  We need at least 11 kids to sign up in order for us to be able to provide camp therefore it is important to sign up as soon as possible.  

J/K & S/K weekly rate is $200 and daily rate is $40. 

Grade 1-6 weekly rate is $190 and daily rate is $39.  

The camp will run from January 2-6 2017 starting at 7:00 am and ending at 6:00 pm.

Please contact Lindsay Parekh program supervisor 647.883.1414 or for questions or to sign up.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Progress Report to be Sent Home November 23, 2016

Students will receive one Progress Report in November and two Provincial Report Cards, one in February and one in June. 

The progress report for 2016 will be sent home to parents on November 23, 2016.

The purpose of the Fall Progress Report is to provide information about how a student is progressing at this point in time. 

As learning skills and work habits play a critical role in a student’s success, there is emphasis in this first report on these skills. A student’s development of these skills and habits is also a strong indication of how a student is developing as a self-directed learner. The Learning Skills (with an example) are: 
  • Responsibility - completes and submits class work, homework and assignments according to agreed-upon timelines.
  •  Organization - establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals.
  • Independent Work - follows instructions with minimal supervision. 
  • Collaboration - accepts various roles and an equitable share of work in a group. Initiative - approaches new tasks with a positive attitude.
  • Initiative - Demonstrates the caapcity for innovation and a willingness to take risks.
  •  Self-Regulation - perseveres and makes an effort when responding to challenges.

Our teachers are working with students on  these Learning Skills  and providing them with opportunities for self-assessment.

The Elementary Progress Report Card will go home on November 23, 2016.

Please sit with your child to review the Learning skills and help your child to make a goal for him/herself for the next term.

Treat Wednesday

Tomorrow is Treat Wednesday.

All snacks are a toonie except the goldfish which are  currently selling for a loonie.

All proceeds go towards funding school initiatives directly linked to our school improvement plan such as:

  • Updating technology in the classroom
  • Updating the Learning Commons
  • Adding to our Makerspace area in the Learning Commons

Fundraiser Reminder

Monday 21 November 2016

Winter is Here!!!!

All students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 are expected to go out for every recess unless the principal decides that the weather conditions are so poor that it would be detrimental for them to be outdoors.

Weather conditions are always monitored and in extreme conditions (e.g. wind chill being extreme), we would keep the students indoors or shorten the time outdoors.

We often receive requests from parents asking us to keep their children indoors during recess because they are not feeling well. Unfortunately, we do not have the staff or facilities to supervise students who are sick or still recovering form an illness. Students with heavy colds, etc., which are serious enough to prevent them from participating in the physical activities, should remain at home until their condition improves. This will benefit the students concerned and prevent the spread of illness to others. 

Please make sure that your children are dressed properly for our invigorating winter days. It is advisable for students to bring extra pants and socks. Boots, hats mitts/gloves, scarves and snow pants for the younger children will help make recess an enjoyable time. A change is often necessary due to the wet and cold weather of the winter months. To avoid adding to our clothing collection in the Lost and Found, please be sure to label all articles of clothing.

Image result for cartoon image for  students dressing  for winter

QSP Fundraiser

Our QSP fundraiser is going strong.

Please continue to send in your orders as the end date is approaching quickly - November 23.

All money raised goes to support school initiatives for all of our students such as:

  • Computers in the Classroom
  • Scientist in the School Workshops for Each Homeroom
  • New Furniture for our Learning Commons
  • New Materials for our Makerspace

We greatly appreciate your support for all of the students in our school.

Active and Safe Routes to School Survey for Families

Dear Families,

Johnsview Village P.S. would like your feedback!  We are exploring the idea of implementing an “Active and Safe Routes to School” initiative which includes promoting active and sustainable school travel including:  walking, cycling, carpooling, taking the school bus (if eligible) and parking/walking a block for trips to/from school. 

The Active and Safe Routes to School initiative will focus on school travel planning, creating sustainable school travel events to promote a healthy school, physical activity, a cleaner environment and ensuring our students are safe during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal time. 

We would like your feedback regarding these program initiatives at the school.   The family survey and your participation in the survey is a key component in moving forward.  It is very important for us to hear your feedback in order to understand any safety-related concerns along routes to school, move forward with next steps and to gain insight on any concerns you may have. 

Your responses to the survey are completely anonymous and the results will only be used by Committee staff to inform and improve the initiative.  The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.  We encourage all families to complete the survey which can be accessed online by visiting the following link:

Active and Safe Routes to School is becoming increasingly popular across Canada as communities are coming together to help address some of the following issues:

-Educating communities on pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety.
-The number of students walking & cycling to school has been declining in the past 25 years.
-Childhood obesity rates are increasing.
-More vehicles around schools contribute to increasing emissions which impacts air quality. 
-The 2014 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report gave Canada a failing grade (D-) in overall Physical Activity.
-The Ministry of Education recently recommended 60 minutes of physical activity connected to the school day for children/youth in Ontario.  Walking and/or cycling to school are great ways to meet/exceed the recommended 60 minutes!

We kindly ask that the online survey link noted above is completed by November 30.

Thank you for your continued participation,

Mrs. Goldberg

Sunday 20 November 2016

Dressing for Winter Weather

We are asking all parents to please remind your children to bring their warm outdoor clothing to school and wear their outdoor clothing for recess when the weather starts getting cold. 

Our recess is outdoors and being cold is not an excuse for not going outside to get some fresh air and have fun with friends outside. It is an an important break from the students' day and promotes health and well-being. 

We ask that all children come to school with warm sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, snowsuits etc. to suit the weather and dress properly when they go outside. 

Please remind your children as well that all snow stays on the ground. Students may build snow forts, snow angels, snowmen/snowwomen, however snow cannot be thrown onto other students and snowballs cannot be thrown as this may cause injury to other students.

Thanks for your help with this message and in keeping all of our students safe. 

Image result for cartoon images for  winter weather clothing

Bus Cancellation During Inclement Weather

To ensure the safety of students, school bus service may be cancelled from time to time due to inclement weather, extreme temperatures and/or poor road conditions. In these cases, parents and students should develop alternate care/transportation arrangements.

Cancellation decisions will only be made after thorough consultation with the Safety Officers of school bus companies servicing York Region and are based on several factors including precipitation, air temperature, road conditions and weather forecast. 

Please note the following; 
·     A decision to cancel school bus service will be region-wide meaning all school buses, vans and taxis will not operate
·     School bus routes may be cancelled when severe weather is not affecting all municipalities in York Region. Both the YRDSB and YCDSB operate many regional educational programs.  Students attending these programs are transported over large attendance areas encompassing several municipal boundaries. This limits the ability to cancel bus service using a municipality or zone methodology
·                When bus service is cancelled all school tests and/or examinations will be cancelled and rescheduled
·                Student trips involving the use of school buses will also be cancelled
·                Unless otherwise stated, schools will remain open and parents can make arrangements to transport their children to and from school even if school bus service is cancelled. 

If buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not operate in the afternoon. Therefore students transported to school by parents will require the same transportation home.

Parents, students and school staff are asked to access the following radio and television stations after 6:00 a.m. to receive bus cancellation information:

590 AM 640 AM 680 AM 860 AM 1010 AM 1050 AM 1540 AM  1580 AM 8
8.5 FM 89.9 FM  92.5 FM 93.1 FM 94.9 FM 95.9 FM 97.3 FM 98.1 FM 99.1 FM 99.9 FM 
101.1 FM 102.1 FM 104.5 FM 100.7 FM 107.1 FM

CITY TV     CTV Barrie     CFTO TV     CP24     GLOBAL NEWS

A bus cancellation message will also be available at and by calling 1-877-330-3001, or by following the @YCDSB and @YRDSB on twitter.

A bus cancellation message will also be available at and by calling 1-877-330-3001, or by following the YCDSB and YRDSB on twitter.

Please do not call the school to inquire about bus cancellation as we will not be able to respond in a timely manner in the morning.  Please use the above services for information about bus cancellation. Thank you. 

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Parent Teacher Interviews

On Wednesday, November 23, 2016, progress reports will be sent home for students in grades SK to 8. Johnsview Village P.S. is scheduling interviews for Thursday evening November 24 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m and Friday morning, November 25 from 9:00 to 12:00 noon.  

These interviews will give parents the opportunity to discuss their child's progress.  Please note that interviews are schedules for 15 minutes.  

Please return the form for the interview time and date as soon as possible.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Treat Wednesdays

Again this year,  we will be selling treats every Wednesday at morning recess.

Students can purchase chips and Doritos (all peanut free) for $2.00

This year we will be selling packages of Goldfish for $1.00

All monies will go to support technology and purchasing items for our new Makerspace in the Learning Commons.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Green Apple Grant

Congratulations! JVPS school has been awarded a Green Apple School Program grant of $1,000 to create healthy eating programming! This money will help us to continue serving serving healthy snacks to our student population.

Friday 11 November 2016

The Week Ahead November 14 to 18

Remembrance Day

Thank you to all of our staff and students for a very moving and meaningful Remembrance Day Assembly.  We were very pleased to have a student from Thornlea Secondary School to play the  Last Post and the Reveille  and for Warrant Officer Smith to be present with us during the assembly and for giving our grade 4 to 8 students a presentation about the Canadian Armed Forces.  The students worked diligently on their presentations for  the assembly and on making the beautiful wreathes to enhance the assembly.  Please see our wreathes below.

Thursday 10 November 2016

Remembrance Day Assembly

Please join us tomorrow at 10:40 a.m. in the Gymnasium for our Remembrance Day Assembly.  We look forward to seeing many of our families tomorrow on Friday, November 11, 2016.

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Monday 7 November 2016

School Council Fundraiser

Our School Council will be starting the first fundraiser for the year.  We will be having an introductory assembly for the students this Wednesday, November 9 and the fundraising packages will be going home Wednesday at the end of the day.  Parents will have lots of options to choose from.  Parents can order magazines, cookie dough and other items before the holidays.

All monies raised directly impacts learning at our school so every order helps.  Funds raised will go towards the following school initiatives to help support Literacy, science, math and modern learning:

  • Scientist in the School workshops for each classroom
  • Upgrades to our Learning Commons and Makerspace
  • Increase Technology for classrooms

Students can earn prizes as well with each order and they can collect fun Emojis!!!!