
Thursday 29 March 2018

Happy Passover

To all of our families who celebrate Passover, have a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Happy Easter

To all of our families who celebrate Easter, have a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Milk Bag Recycling Program

Thank you to all of our families for continuing to bring in milk bags to support the  recycling project at our community partner, Revera.  The residents at Revera are very thankful for the large number of donations and as the program is ongoing, we are continuing to accept milk bag donations.  The milk bags can be dropped off in our front foyer.  

Digital Safety Workshop for Parents April 12, 2018

Please join us for our digital safety workshop on April 12 at 6:30.  This will be a wonderful opportunity to meet our VIP Officer, who will be delivering this interactive workshop.  Parents will have an opportunity to ask questions and will learn about many strategies to keep their children safe on-line.  This workshop is geared for parents with children of all ages.

Please RSVP to the school and indicate if  babysitting is required.  Please send in the bottom portion of the information sheet to the school. 

We hope to see many of our families at this event.

Wednesday 21 March 2018

GROW Workshops

This is a reminder to parents that School Cash on Line is open for accepting payments for the two GROW workshops.

These workshops offer great leaderships skills for all of our students and build on the work we accomplished last school year in continuing to foster character traits and a wonderful school climate.

Our first workshop for all students is this Friday.  Please send in your payment as soon as possible.

Please Join us for a Workshop on Digital Safety

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Happy Nawruz

We would like to wish all of our families who celebrate Nawruz, a happy and prosperous New Year.

Friday 9 March 2018

March Break

March Break runs from Monday March 12 to Friday March 16, 2018.

School resumes on Monday March 19, 2018.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back at school and on time on the Monday.  This is a reminder that supervision in the yard begins at 8:45 a.m.

If you know that your child will be absent following the March break, you must notify the office for our safe arrival program.

Have a wonderful March Break.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

School Council

Please join us for School Council on Thursday, March 8 at 7:00 p.m. in the Learning Commons.

Child care will be provided.

We hope to see you there.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Attendance and Punctuality

Parents, guardians and students are reminded of school entry (8:55 am) and dismissal times (3:30 pm). Supervision starts at 8:45 am. We encourage students to be on time for school, as late arrivals cause disruptions to a class that is already in session and students miss valuable instructional time.

If your child will be absent or late, please contact the school. Additionally, if a student needs to leave early for an appointment, please send a note to your child’s teacher that morning with the details thus eliminating the need for the office to have to call into the classroom and disrupt the class. Where possible, arrangements should be made ahead of time.

When your child will be absent from school, please take a moment to call to advise us of the absence by calling the school at 905-881-3360. If you need to call before the school day begins we have an answering machine available between 4:00 pm and 8:30 am to take your message. Please make sure you speak slowly and clearly, providing:
  •  your child’s name,
  •  child’s teacher,
  •  and details of the absence. 
  • A call is required each day of the absence. This is part of the YRDSB Safe Arrival Program.

If we do not receive a call, or if we cannot contact a parent or one of the emergency contacts listed, Board policy is for the school to notify York Region Police.

Please remember to call the school if your child will be late or absent; especially in the event that your child will be absent before and after any holiday.

Why Does Attendance Matter?

 Getting to school – every day and on time – is very important. Learning occurs daily,right from the start of class. By establishing patterns early on (i.e. by being punctual and responsible) children acquire positive habits about school attendance.

Supervision in the yard begins at 8:45 a.m. 

Let's ensure all of our students arrive at school on time.

Some other things to consider:

 • If children are late arriving to school, they miss important social time with their peers before school begins.
 • Students who are late often feel embarrassed or self-conscious.
 • Late arrivals disrupt the routine of the classroom.
 • A last-minute rush can be stressful for the child, and get him/her to school in the wrong frame of mind.
 • Missing even five or ten minutes of the day can make it harder for a student to understand the material being taught.
 • Frequent absenteeism leads to gaps in a child’s skills and knowledge base and can cause the child to fall behind peers and decrease self-esteem.
 • Too many missed school days can increase isolation as the child stands out from his/her classmates and misses opportunities to develop socially.
 • Absenteeism makes it tougher for the child to develop a good rapport with the teachers.

Contribute to Strategic Planning at YRDSB - Upcoming Town Halls