
Saturday 9 March 2019

Friday 1 March 2019

On Line Safety

Dear Families,

As you may be aware, there has been recent media attention on an Internet challenge that may cause concern for families. The Internet provides access to many engaging learning opportunities, but requires responsible use and digital citizenship. Parents play an important role in ensuring their child’s safety, including on the Internet. It’s important for parents to talk to children about the importance of being safe, protecting their personal information and stressing that they should never disclose personal details that would allow someone online to contact them in real life. 

Here are 12 tips to promote safe online behaviour:
        Children should never give anyone their name, address, telephone number, computer password, or any other personal information on the Internet without parental or guardian consent.
        Children should only use social media and websites approved by their parent or guardian.
        Internet use should be encouraged in a central place in your home where you can supervise children’s online activities.
        Don’t allow a webcam in a child’s bedroom.
        Watch for children quickly minimizing sites when you enter the room.
        Reinforce that people online may not be who they say they are.
        Consider using parental controls like Internet filters or blocking software.
        Remind children that everything said online stays in cyberspace forever, whether or not it is deleted.
        Talk to your children about Internet safety and clearly define your rules.
        Never respond to messages that make them feel confused or uncomfortable.
        Pay attention to the games your children may download or copy.
        Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they meet online.
Reinforce a sense of safety. Some Internet content can evoke a sense of fear or lack of safety in your child. It can be difficult for some children to discern fact / fiction online. Try to offer reassurance that your child is safe. Children and youth take their emotional cues from the significant adults in their lives. Your reactions can help to model calmness to your child. Recognize that some children may be concerned about something bad happening to themselves, family or friends. Explain to them the safety measures in place and reassure them that you and other adults will take care of them.
Be a good listener and observer. Let children guide you to learn how concerned they are or how much information they need. If they are not focused on the issue, do not dwell on it. However, be available to answer their questions to the best of your ability. Young children may not be able to express themselves verbally. Pay attention to changes in their behaviour or social interactions.
Reach out. Reach out to the school if you feel that your child may be showing a significant reaction to online material. We may be able to offer some classroom strategies that could help reduce stress. It may also be important to seek additional support from a school mental health professional (i.e., social worker or psychologist) to cope with overwhelming feelings experienced by children and youth. 
Mrs. Goldberg

Tuesday 19 February 2019

There is Still Time to Order Pizza!!!!

For families who have not yet ordered pizza for their children this term, there is still time to place your orders.  Paper order forms went home on Friday, Feb. 15.  If you still need an order form please contact the office.  Thank you.

Book Fair

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Dressing for the Weather

As the weather improves, students will be going outside for winter.  It is very important to send your children to school properly dressed for winter outdoor play.
It is always a good idea to send extra socks, pants and gloves in case those items get wet over recess.  
Boots are essential and please don't forget to have indoor shoes for your child.

Monday 11 February 2019

JVPS Using Edsby

York Region District School Board has partnered with Edsby to provide a secure platform for families to connect with what’s happening at school and with your child’s education.  

Edsby offers many different features that YRDSB will be rolling out over the next several years.  Some of the features that the office and classroom teachers are using include: 
● Absence reporting
 ● A news river with school events and information
 ● Appointment bookings for Parent-Teacher Interviews/Student-Led Conferences
 ● Postings about learning in classrooms. 

Our school will communicate more information as features become available.  

Please continue to check the Edsby platform for information about the school and your child’s classroom.  Please remember that the Johnsview Village Blog will be moving to Edsby as of March 8, 2019.  In order to more quickly access information on Edsby, please ensure your account is activated and that you have downloaded the Edsby App.

Pick UP and Drop Off Routines at JVPS

Dear Johnsview Village Families,

This letter is a reminder to all parents who drive their children to school to please ensure that our drop-off and pick-up rules and routines remain in effect all year long, including the days when we have inclement weather and all through the winter months. In our combined efforts to keep all of our children safe, I am asking that all parents continue to follow our drop-off and pick-up procedures at our school.  These procedures are as follows:

Street Parking:
·       Please park in legal street parking spaces only  
·       Please do not park on the north side of Porterfield
·       Please obey all street signs:  No U turns on Porterfield
·       Please do not leave your car running and unattended
·       Please do not park in spots reserved for residents of the Johnsview Village Co-op

Bus Zone
·      Cars are not allowed to be stopped or parked in the bus zone
·      Cars are not allowed to pass the school bus when the school bus lights are flashing

Cross Walk
·      Please do not stop/park in the middle of the crosswalk in front of the school to drop off/pickup  your children.  This is our only entranceway into the school and it must be accessible for all students at all times.
·      All parents must stop at the stop sign on Porterfield in front of the school before proceeding into the intersection

Staff Parking Lot
·      Parents are not allowed to use the staff parking lot to drop- off or pick-up children
·      Parents cannot turn their vehicles around in the staff parking lot

In order to help parents arrive at school on time, cut down on traffic and ensure student safety we suggest the following:

·      Walk to school with your child whenever possible
·      Organize the car ahead of time so children can exit from the passenger side with their belongings
·      If someone other than yourself is driving the car, inform them ahead of time of our procedures
·      Please drive slowly and obey the speed limit signs
·      Drop off starts at 8:45 a.m. and supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. Arriving at 8:45 a.m. will alleviate the congestion of looking for a parking space
·      As soon as you drop off your child, move on so that your parking spot becomes available for the next parent.

We thank our parents who are regularly following the rules, however we are reminding ALL parents/drivers again to comply with these rules to keep our students safe at all times.

Friday 8 February 2019

The Week Ahead for parents

Moving to Edsby Platform

JVPS will be moving to Edsby for the delivery of school news.  As of March 8, we will no longer be communicating through the blog.

If you have not signed up for Edsby or activated your Edsby account please do so as soon as possible. If you need more information please contact the school office.

It is a good idea to download the Edsby App as well so that you can receive notifications on your mobile device.

Candy Grams

JVPS will be selling candy grams (peanut free lollipops) to celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14.   We will start selling the candy grams this Thursday, February 7 at morning recess..

25 cents for one candy gram

$1.00 for 5 candy grams

All proceeds go towards supporting school initiatives.

Thursday 17 January 2019

PA Day Friday January 18 2019

This is a reminder that tomorrow, Friday, January 18 is a PA Day.

There will be no school on January 18 for elementary students.

We will see everyone back at school on Monday, January 21.

Please remember that there is supervision in both yards starting at 8:45 a.m.

Classes start at 9:00 a.m.  and we are reminding parents to ensure that their children arrive at school on time.

Thursday 10 January 2019

Register for Karate at JVPS Lunch Time Program

Karate will be offered on Tuesdays at JVPS during the lunch time recess. Registration is on line.

Mad Science Lunch Programs at JVPS Starting in January

Questioning in Math

Using effective questions when talking about math, supports the development
of your child’s mathematical reasoning. The use of questioning provides children
with opportunities to share and clarify their ideas, draw conclusions, and explain
and explore new strategies. With good intention, we often rush to provide our
children all the information they need to solve a math problem. By giving your
child this information too quickly, they may not think deeply about the problem
or engage in mathematical processes.

Here is a list of questions you can ask to support your child’s
mathematical thinking:

  • How did you solve the problem? 
  • What did you do?
  • What strategy did you use?
  • How did you estimate what the answer could be?
  • What would happen if …?
  • Tell me what is the same? What is different?
  • How do you know?
  • How did you know where …?
  • How did you know which …?
  • How did you know when …?
  • How do you know your/our answer is reasonable?
  • Would this work every time? Can you/we think of any examples that don’t work?
  • Have you/we found all the possibilities? How do you/we know?
  • What have you/we discovered about __________ while solving this problem?
  • What have you/we learned?

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Lunch Programs at JVPS

We are offering two Young Rembrandt programs at lunch.

On Thursday, the program is for students in grades 1 - 5.

On Friday, the program is for students in Kindergarten only.

See registration information below:

Reporting Student Absences

In order to ensure that all students have arrived safely at school we are reminding parents and guardians of the following:

  • It is very important for all parents/guardians to report a student absent to the school office. Our attendance line is open 24 hours a day.  If your child is going to be absent, parents and guardians MUST inform the school. Parents can also report student absences through EDSBY.

  • Parents and guardians are also asked to report any vacation dates to the school office.

  • Parents must ensure the school has complete and current emergency contact information;

If a student is absent from school,  the school will complete the following steps:

  • contact parents/guardians as soon as possible when their child is identified as absent without explanation;
  •  if all contact and emergency number have been tried and a student is still deemed to be absent without explanation, the school will contact York Regional Police 

Safe Arrival is very important.

Lunch Programs at JVPS

This term JVPS will be offering  Chess (Wednesdays) as well as  Karate (Tuesdays), Young Rembrandts (Thursdays and Fridays) and Mad Science (Mondays) as paid lunch programs for students.

If you need more information or another flyer, please contact the school office.