
Wednesday 26 April 2017

Reminder of New Parking Routines at JVPS

Dear Johnsview Village Families,

In our combined effort to keep our children safe and in being good neighbours with the Johnsview Village Co-op, we are asking for your continued support for the following changes in our drop-off and pick-up procedures at our school.  At the beginning of April, each family received a letter to ensure a safe environment for all of our students.  In that letter we outlined the new parking routines.  So far, the new routines are working very well and we would just like to remind all families who drive of the following routines:

Street Parking:
·       Please park in legal street parking spaces only  
·       Please do not park on the north side of Porterfield
·       Please obey all street signs:  No U turns on Porterfield
·       Please do not leave your car running and unattended

·       Please do not park in spots reserved for residents of the
         Johnsview Village Co-op

Thank you for working with us to keep our students safe.