
Monday 21 November 2016

Active and Safe Routes to School Survey for Families

Dear Families,

Johnsview Village P.S. would like your feedback!  We are exploring the idea of implementing an “Active and Safe Routes to School” initiative which includes promoting active and sustainable school travel including:  walking, cycling, carpooling, taking the school bus (if eligible) and parking/walking a block for trips to/from school. 

The Active and Safe Routes to School initiative will focus on school travel planning, creating sustainable school travel events to promote a healthy school, physical activity, a cleaner environment and ensuring our students are safe during morning drop-off and afternoon dismissal time. 

We would like your feedback regarding these program initiatives at the school.   The family survey and your participation in the survey is a key component in moving forward.  It is very important for us to hear your feedback in order to understand any safety-related concerns along routes to school, move forward with next steps and to gain insight on any concerns you may have. 

Your responses to the survey are completely anonymous and the results will only be used by Committee staff to inform and improve the initiative.  The survey will take 5-10 minutes to complete.  We encourage all families to complete the survey which can be accessed online by visiting the following link:

Active and Safe Routes to School is becoming increasingly popular across Canada as communities are coming together to help address some of the following issues:

-Educating communities on pedestrian, cyclist and motorist safety.
-The number of students walking & cycling to school has been declining in the past 25 years.
-Childhood obesity rates are increasing.
-More vehicles around schools contribute to increasing emissions which impacts air quality. 
-The 2014 Active Healthy Kids Canada Report gave Canada a failing grade (D-) in overall Physical Activity.
-The Ministry of Education recently recommended 60 minutes of physical activity connected to the school day for children/youth in Ontario.  Walking and/or cycling to school are great ways to meet/exceed the recommended 60 minutes!

We kindly ask that the online survey link noted above is completed by November 30.

Thank you for your continued participation,

Mrs. Goldberg