
Thursday 23 June 2016

Mrs. Kingston is Retiring!!!

We would like to take this opportunity to wish Mrs. Kingston a fond farewell as she retires this year after a wonderful career with York Region District School Board.  

 Mrs. Kingston has spent 25 years at Johnsview Village P.S.  She has taught in every division and was a homeroom teacher in Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.  She has worked for 10 principals and she was the ELL teacher for around 20 years.  Mrs. Kingston had the original Demonstration ELL Classroom for many years where teachers and administrators visited to observe modeling of newest strategies for ELL. One highlight of her career was when she was invited as guest lecturer at York University to teach education students about ELL.

Mrs. Kingston has held many roles here at Johnsview and in the Board.  For example she acted as the:
·       Positive Student Behaviour Lead
·       Primary Division Lead                                                           
·       Principal Designate
·       Adjunct Professor – Host Teacher for teacher candidates
·       Tragic Response Team - Area West team member
·       School Council teacher representative

She has enjoyed participating in Extra Curricular activities at the school such as:  the Art Club, designing backdrops for school plays; participating in the before school Breakfast Program; acting as the teacher representative for the Millennial Project of founding the Peace Garden; and coaching Together We’re Better student groups.

In her spare time Mrs. Kingston is a wife, a mother of two sons, a grandmother of two granddaughters.  She is an active member of National Council of Jewish Women; a Book Club member; an avid traveler; and she enjoys going to the theatre, movies, the symphony and the opera.

We wish you all the best in your retirement and we thank you very much for your years of service and dedication to Johnsview Village P.S. and the Johnsview Community.