
Monday 7 March 2016

Character Trait for March: Initiative

This month our students will be focusing on the character trait of “Initiative”.  

The development of learning skills and work habits needed to succeed in school and in life begins early in a child’s schooling. As students move through the grades, they develop and then consolidate their learning skills and work habits in preparation for post-secondary education and the world of work.

Today we had an informative assembly where students watched a few scenarios to explain initiative and they heard a presentation from the grade 4/5 class about the definition of initiative.

Below are some examples of initiative.


·acts upon new ideas and opportunities for learning;

· demonstrates a willingness to take risks;

· demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning;

· approaches new tasks with a positive attitude;

· and recognizes and advocates appropriately for the rights of self     and others. 

All of us, teachers, students and parents/guardians will work together to set goals for developing  the learning skill of Initiative. The goals listed below can form a “to do list” or a “success criteria list” for our students to follow:

ü  I will take turns  
ü  I will challenge myself to improve
ü  I will initiate play with others appropriately
ü  I will choose an activity independently
ü  I will make an effort to try
ü  I will include other in group work
ü  I will show an interest in learning
ü  I will show leadership in my group

At home, you can help to support your child’s growth in Initiative by giving them a task to complete that they may never have tried before, for example:

·    cooking a new recipe,
·    helping with a mechanical task
·    helping to plan out an activity for the family

and note whether her or she does so with a positive attitude and how innovative, curious and interested they are in the task given. Also pay attention to how well your child advocates for him/her self and for others over the March break.