Our grade 6/7 Class at Johnsview Village P.S. is
participating in, "Genius Hour", where students pursue a
topic of special interest. This supports the Board's goal of
Modern Learning. To gain a deeper understanding of what
Genius Hour is comprised of, please watch the video
enclosed with this blog. The learning goal below, helps
students to articulate their learning and the success criteria
which is co-constructed with the students, provides the
students with a road map of how to complete the task.
Learning Goal:
We are learning to apply a
variety of skills as we each pursue a topic of our own interest.
Success Criteria
We will know we are successful
when we:
questions that are open-ended and related to our personal interests
information to support our ideas
and classify information in ways that allow us to view the information from
different perspectives and make connections between ideas
judgments and draw conclusions about ideas in texts and cite evidence from the
text to support our views
our understanding of tasks by connecting, comparing, and contrasting the ideas
in them to our own knowledge, to other texts and to the world around us
whether the ideas and information we have gathered are adequate and do more
research if necessary
revisions to improve the content, clarity, and interest of our presentation
orally in a clear, coherent manner, using appropriate organizing strategies to
link ideas and information
a variety of appropriate visual aids to support our presentation